Nicaragua La Bastilla Honey-Processed (Shortage)

Nicaragua La Bastilla Honey-Processed (Shortage)

from $16.00

Honey-processed medium roast with subtle citrus notes.

Introducing from Nicaragua is this truly unique offering! You can taste red grape right off the first sip that will slowly melt into a citrus back end. When roasted medium, this specialty craft coffee gives off a honey aroma.

What is Honey Processed coffee?

Honey processed coffee is a unique method of processing coffee beans that combines elements of both washed and natural processing methods. In honey processing, the coffee cherries are partially stripped of their outer layer, leaving some of the fruit pulp on the beans allowing the natural sugars to enhance the coffees sweetness. This results in a coffee that has a body similar to natural processed coffee, but with a cleaner and more balanced flavor profile like washed coffee. Honey processed coffee has become increasingly popular in recent years for its unique taste profile and versatility.

Rain Forest Alliance Certified.

• Honey-processed • Honey Aroma
• Citrus & Red Grape notes

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